Social Interventions

Food for Hungry Campaign
This campaign was designed to reach out to the last possible person living on the edge. The campaign target areas were poor slums, unorganized bastis and people living on the street. An entire resettlement colony was adopted for this program.
• The campaign targeted people without access to proper meals.
• The campaign reached 1 lakh underprivileged households of Delhi.
• It helped prepare the ground for Food Security bill.

Education Choice Campaign
Designed and executed 90 days of Education Choice Campaign for Centre for Civil Society (CCS). The campaign reached around 2 lakh people in Delhi. The campaign involved teachers, parents, students, MPs, MLAs and people from all walks of life.

School Choice Scholarship Campaign
A school voucher program in the shape of a scholarship for the deprived section of the society was launched. The main highlights of the campaign were:
• The campaign reached around 25 lakh people in Delhi.
• 408 students got the scholarship in this campaign.
• Local councilors drew the lots for final selection.
• The campaign reached tthe parents of the needy students to.
• Selected students were given scholarship of INR 3600 per year for three years tassist in there studies.

Child Protection

Campaign to raise awareness regarding the rights of children to be safe and secure.. Details...

Safer Cities

Campaign to address the issue of survival & safety of women & girls in cities.. Details...

The Working Women´s Network in an initiative to provide a definition to working woman in India. Details...